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leaf symbolMany people have questions about Reiki or have never even heard of Reiki before. I have anticipated some of the questions you might have.

How can Reiki help athletes?

Reiki will not increase your running speed, or improve your golf swing, or guarantee a win on the court or field. Reiki is a quick and easy way to treat pain and discomfort for athletes and everyone who participates in any sport. No special equipment is needed: just the mind, body, and willing spirit to feel the best one can. Reiki energy flows automatically through the body with out a special ritual. The mind becomes clearer and the stress decreases. Therefore, if someone feels good, they will enjoy their sport and will most likely improve their performance.

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Is Reiki some kind of “New Age” Religion?

No, Reiki is not a religion. Reiki is spiritual but there is no liturgy or services or creeds or commandments or sacred practices. Reiki does not require belief or blind faith in Reiki for healing. I like to think of Reiki as unconditional love from GOD and Divine Wisdom. Some people call it "PRAYER ON STERIODS."

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What does the Medical Profession think about Reiki?

I am not a doctor or medical professional. However, Reiki is being practiced in more and more medical settings with beneficial results. Remember, Reiki does no harm.

Dr. Mehmet Oz who often appears with Oprah Winfrey made comments about Reiki to ABC news:

Mehmet Oz: The complementary medicine program has advanced dramatically in part because I’ve learned a lot more about what the field really means, not just what therapies work for what kinds of patients, but what the mindset is of the practitioners, what are the biases that patients and the healers have as well as the physicians. And so the program has matured by creating therapies that are available to all the heart surgery patients, for example, massage, but also for the staff. Because if the staff gets massage, they’ll feel more like healing because the healers are healthy. But in addition, they’ll appreciate a bit more at a visceral level, what experience the patient is having. So those kinds of conjoined programs are functioning well for us.

There are other logistically simple programs that we can offer that we have been very successful with, including the use of audio tapes in the operating room, yoga which can be taught in a class, and for that reason it’s relatively inexpensive and also builds a sense of community. These are the therapies that I feel very strongly should be offered in most of the hospitals around the land. The other therapies, like reiki therapy that are more difficult to administer in an organised fashion, yet raki therapy and these energy therapies are used by so many practitioners in hospitals already, especially nurses, that it’s not difficult to give it to your patients.

Norman Swan: And what is it?

Mehmet Oz: Reiki and related energy therapies are based on the believe that there are energies within the body, which we know to be true at the cellular level, and maybe also true at the total body level, and you can act as a conduit to change those energies or help re-massage or manipulate the energies within the body. One of the biggest challenges for Western physicians is that we don’t accept this concept, although we do agree that each single cell defines itself as being alive by whether it can keep an energy gradient up between the inside and the outside world. But we’ve never been able to measure the energy well enough to feel comfortable offering it as therapy. Now we have made some breakthroughs as well, and we’re using a technique called kirlian photography which was invented actually in the 1930s in Russia, and was kept secret there for many years, and I don’t think it’s a panacea, but it is beginning to give us our first clues to how we might be able to measure energy at a systemic level. And in fact if we can do that, then we can start to target therapies more intelligently.

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Where can I learn more about Reiki?

There are three websites that I have referenced in my study of Reiki. You might find them useful, too.

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